TES Good news story

playground @ TESswings at TESOver the past few years, Trinity Elementary School PTSA has been dedicated to raising funds to update the playground at Trinity Elementary School. In the summer of 2022, they installed a new swing set as the first phase of their project.  In the summer of 2024, they were able to utilize funds raised to remove both old playground structures and to install a new playground structure.  TES students love the new play structure!  TES PTSA could not have achieved this big project without the help of their students fundraising and the generous donations from Trinity community members. Thank you to everyone who donated to the playground updates!

During the first two phases of their ongoing playground project, TES PTSA spent over $60,000. The next goal for PTSA is to raise $40,000 for phase 3, which includes installation of a second playground structure.

Below is a picture of the new play structure and swings. We hope Trinity Elementary students enjoy this playground for many years to come!